Saturday, May 15, 2010

May 5, 2010

I had this super, awesome house. It was a lot of clean lines, stark whites and windows freaking galore! The architecture of the house felt so good. Kind of like an expensive house that you'd find on a private beach. B and I were hosting a wedding reception party for his father and his fiancee, but it was like the after-party time during my dream. The house was clean, Milton, Ginger, Drew and some other cool dog were in the dream. A (B's ex) was there, and B was going to run an errand of picking someone up from the airport. A walked B out while I was walking up to my room, but then I remembered I'd left the water running in the kitchen sink, as I'm walking down the steps, I see B getting into a van-like vehicle and B hugs A bye, but she tried to kiss him, B pulled away, then she forced herself on him. I was so furious by this! So I immediately run to the front door, push her baggage out (I guess she was staying over at my place?). And locked the door. B drove off, she comes to the door trying to get in. She gets past the locks and tells me she at least needs her camera case, so I get that off my table, throw it to her. She had a pill bottle next to it, but I put it in my pocket. They were pastel lavender colored. So I locked her out, making sure it's secure so she can't get back in. She starts crying and screaming that she has no money or way to get home. I go up to my bed. B came back not too long after, and consoled A. B's family was across the street (outside looked like typical upper-middle class suburb neighborhood...where I grew up). B had to get his photo taken, and had to stand in a "Family Tree" formation. There were signs of where he were to stand. B's had "B_____" and next to him was where his wife would be was just "M" so he went to go do the family picture. I started to feel badly for A so I let her in and we went to the kitchen. I asked if she'd help prepare a salad, she said yes, and I apologized. She asked "Are you 'M'?" And I said, "NO!" Super defensively. Told her I thought that maybe the "M" was to stand for "Michelle". So then A started telling me how she was sick of B making her act. I asked what she meant, and she went to tell me that privately B's still affectionate and do all their kissie crap. Then I was even more furious than before. Somehow time flew and I was back in bed, and I had windows open, with curtains flowing with the strong breeze. B came into bed with me. I guess maybe he lived with me, because it seemed normal or something. But I questioned B with what A had told me. B said, "eh" and I was like, "are you fucking kidding me?!" B replied with, "if D (ex) was here you'd do it, too" and then I woke up!

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