Saturday, May 15, 2010

May 9, 2010

I was at work, but the salon was in a huge building. It almost seemed hotel-like at some points. I was supposed to be getting my hair done by my stylist at 12pm, but there was also this huge festival that day that I wanted to go to. At work, it was fairly busy and this like manager from "headquarters" came in to spruce up the place and was making ridiculous requests, so I was running around doing stupid shit. She was a stupid, tall cunt. She made a huge deal about me finding robes that didn't make her feel she was in an airplane. I tried explaining those were the only robes we had! I went to look around the building if I could find better ones to buy. Then I remembered that I was supposed to have the day off and meet B at a festival they were having deep, down in the basement of the building. So I just went down to that, and met up with a bunch of my friends, and then B arrived right before Beastie Boys got on stage, B kissed me and hugged me, and I was like, "wtf is wrong with your lips!?" Because they look fucked. B told me how he joined a "kissing club" and the girl he was kissing the night before really "beat up" his lips. He seriously looked like he had mouth herpes. The feelings of disgust I had for him at that moment... Omg. Mainly for the fact he was so pathetic to join a "kissing club" and then his lips being so gross. Beatie Boys started, B tried to hold onto me and whatnot, I kept pushing him away. Tool went onstage. Then Deftones. When Deftones were playing, B was all over my ass and was hard through his jeans. I stomped on his foot and tried distancing myself. When the set was over, B asked me why I was acting like that, and I told him that he disgusted me, and that I knew he just had sex with another girl, so I didn't see why he was trying to get sexual with me. B looked offended, but backed off. So, suddenly we're at a train station with some people, who aren't my friends, but we were all trying to make other performances in a different area of the city. We all couldn't afford a ticket, so we tried sneaking through this like weird opening, but I couldn't get past my fat thighs. So I told this girl who was EXTREMELY skinny, to try and get through, but her knees were too big. She somehow had gigantic knees. So we all tried to find other ways to get inside the proper platform for free. We finally found one, and then we all got on the train, but looked like a bus inside instead, and the people we were with purposely made it to where B and I had to sit next to each other. I really didn't want to, because he was trying to be affectionate, and I was trying to assure these people he was just a friend, not a boyfriend. So we get to this place and Rufio was playing, but we're many flights up and then I realize I need to be at work for my hair appointment. I rush away, get to work and my stylist is doing my hair wrong.

Suddenly I'm sitting in a car with my friend, and I receive an SMS reminding me my mother loves the cafe we're parked near. So I go into there, tell them who I am and they know my mom well, and won't let me even pay for all the pastries and slices of cake I bought. I went 2 doors down, gave my mother hers. Then I go sit at a table with 2 of my friends, and I'm telling them I need to get back home, but I leave a slice of this pistachio cheesecake I bought for B with a note saying, "I'm sorry" since for whatever reason B was meeting up with two of my friends. I get on a bike to get back home, while trying to balance a full cake, and 2 slices of other cakes. Then I get trapped in some weird building that has a lot of themed rooms. Woke up.

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